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Serbian Bridal Traditions

While some couples https://www.pledgesports.org/guys-dating-sites/ like to customize their marriage festival to suit their personalities, it’s still important to keep in mind the traditional elements of a wedding. One way to guarantee that the ceremony did become enjoyable for everyone and will get remembered for years to appear is to keep practices alive.

Buying the Wedding

A groom will be able to «buy» his bride by offering to her family and friends ( so called Svatovi ) on her big day. The best man is in charge of making this give, and he needs to be prepared for whatever, including lipstick and her scalp.

Defining the Evil Eye

A vital aspect of a marriage is to protect the pair from the bad attention, which could lead to misfortune. The Zarac does serve as the leader of the procesional leading up to the church, and this is accomplished by bringing in a man called the Zarac. To frighten any wicked eye ghosts, he did use a whip and a wreath of chilies.

The Best Gentleman& Maid of honor

The groom dating a serbian woman and his crew typically make a first-time appearance at the bride’s home to meet her friends and family. Below, they did discover two baskets, one of which is filled with money and the other of which is filled with corsages. A bouquet and some funds are appreciated by customers.

The bridegroom and his bridesmaids are furthermore known for wearing shutters that have the Serbian Coat of arms inscribed on them. These serve as a testament to how much they care and cherish the bride and her family.

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